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What We Do

Therapy Services

Personal Growth

LCS utilizes several assessment tools in order to better assist the individual in personal growth and goal setting.

These assessments include:
• Myers Briggs: “Whatever the circumstances of your life, the understanding of type can make your judgments sounder, and your life closer to your heart’s desire.”~Isabel Briggs Myers

The Strong Interest Inventory; The Strong Interest Inventory® (Strong) assessment measures career and leisure interests. It is based on the work of E. K. Strong Jr., who originally published his inventory on the measurement of interests in 1927. The assessment is often used to aid people in making educational and career decisions.

• Prepare Enrich; P/E is the leading relationship inventory and skill-building program and is used nationally and internationally. The P/E is built on a solid research foundation and significantly improves a couple’s relationship. PREPARE/ENRICH is custom tailored to a couple’s relationship and provides couples' exercises to build their relationship skills.