Lent can be a stressful season for church workers. Jeremy Freye, Registered Intern/ Pastor, gives encouragement and practical tips for finding peace in this season.
Each year the school counseling program promotes a focus on perseverance as it is another valuable tool in the lives of our students. Perseverance may look different amongst our students, but it plays an essential role in their everyday encounters with others and their overall growth.
Courageousness involves making good choices in the face of fear or obstacles. It is a synonym for bravery. However, bravery does not mean fearlessness. It means we do not allow fear to hold us back from exploring new opportunities, from developing our skills, or from doing what is right.
Trust plays an essential role in healthy relationships and everyday encounters with others. Read on to promote trustworthiness in homes, classrooms and in ourselves.
In our yearly kindness focus, we give tips for promoting kindness at home, school, in the community and within ourselves. Watching a kindness act has many benefits. Read to find out what they are and how to get them for yourselves and your community!
Accepting ourselves and others can bring about feelings of wellbeing, but can sometimes be a challenge to do. Read on to find out how to practice acceptance of yourself and others.
Generosity is freely giving one’s support or resources to others in need. Find ways for children and adults to boost generosity this month and all year long, and how it can benefit you as well as the recipients of your generosity.
In families, classrooms, sports teams or any group, we want to find ways to co-operate, or work with others towards a common goal. See how we build this skill in our earliest years and how we can promote it later on as well.
Check out this month's Aging Well Newsletter on Caregiving
Find ways to build and balance responsibility, as well as ways to combat bullying in our focus on October's National Bullying Prevention month.