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Creating a Safe Place to Change Your Story

Motivated by the grace of God, LCS provides professional counseling, mental health education and consultation for all individuals, families and communities seeking growth and renewal. Our vision is to share God's healing and abundant grace in the community.

At Lutheran Counseling Services you can expect to be met with grace by each individual you encounter. It is our mission to create a safe place for all people to share their personal story and find tools to help make changes toward health and healing. 


  • I am blessed to have Mary Jo Hoard as my therapist. I feel better and my family sees the difference that her guidance has made on me.

  • Amy has been such a fantastic provider for our family. My son has really improved in a lot of areas with her help.

Our 2023 Impact

Stories are being changed every day in our offices. 

  • Clients Served


  • Sessions Conducted


  • Locations Served


From the Blog