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Cleansing Breath

Have you ever experienced those times in life when there is just too much bouncing around in your head? Where there is too much noise, too many words and numbers that you can’t focus your thoughts? That has been me recently! My To-Do list is miles long, and it seems it will never end or that I will never find the end to it.

A good friend reminded me in his leadership class that there is power in your breath. There is power in breathing and centering. For a while I had built in a daily practice of stopping for two minutes, stopping to collect my thoughts and to breathe - not just my regular breath, but an intentional one, one that cleanses me.

A good cleansing breath follows this pattern:

  •         Breathe in for a count of 4
  •         Hold your breath for a count of 4
  •         Exhale for a count of 4
  •         Repeat this 4 times

As I have found myself recently begging God for more hours in the day, I was reminded of the cleansing breath. It’s not just the breath that we need but the moment to pause - a moment to let my thoughts settle and to gain perspective for the day.

So, I challenge you today to find time to pause and practice a cleansing breath.

It will settle your mind.

It will rejuvenate your body.

It will teach you to pause.

And you will be more effective.