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No More Buts...

I love you but...

I’m sorry but....

I agree but…

The “buts” are really starting to drive me nuts. When we put the word “but” at the end of our remark it negates everything we’ve said beforehand. Our apologies don’t count. Our I love you’s are tainted. We don’t really agree.

In a leadership training I attended, we were encouraged to get rid of the word but and replace it with “and.”

I love you and…

I’m sorry and…

I agree and....

It’s a powerful change. It adds something to your statement instead of taking something away.

It’s important to be intentional with our words, to understand how other people hear us. Sometimes just by changing a single word, you can add so much value to what you are saying -- and that impacts our relationships greatly!

This week, I challenge you to be aware of the buts AND what they communicate.