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Unstructured Time

Do you have moments of unstructured time in your life? I don’t mean moments where you don’t do anything, but moments where you let yourself be free and creative?

I am one of the biggest advocates for structure. I think it helps us stay committed to our goals, create healthy habits and not lapse into depression or anxiety. But I do believe we all have some days that we need to let go of the structure, that we need to allow freedom and creativity to overtake us.

This is so true for kids too. They learn more and grow faster when they have time to be creative, when they are free to explore and don’t have the pressure of deadlines or other constraints hanging over them. Kids grow through play. Adults could learn a lot from kids when it comes to play.

What would it look like in your life to have some unstructured time? To give yourself the freedom to explore and be creative?

I have recently found this freedom as my husband and I take a morning to kayak on the river. We find new places in Orlando and explore hidden treasures of God’s creation. Nothing is better for me than to let go of the structure of this world and spend some time in his creation, exploring and playing. Every once in a while, God even sends an alligator to keep me on my toes. :)

Find some time this week to play! Commit to yourself and your children to giving each of you the freedom to explore. Spring Break is a great time to let go of structure and increase the play!

My bet is you will find new found freedom as you commit to days where you let go of the structure and allow yourself to play.