You just got home from work and you’re standing by the pool watching your kids splash and play. All of a sudden out of nowhere, your husband sneaks up behind you and tries to throw you in the pool. You grab on to the handrails for dear life, knowing that in any minute he will accomplish his end goal and get you, still in all of your work clothes, soaking wet! You grasp those handrails for dear life because you know the end result is more work and struggle then you have time for tonight. He peels your fingers off one by one from the handrail and hoists you up into the air, throwing you into the pool.
Your children shriek with excitement because mom never gets her hair wet. You want to turn around, angry at him, but you can’t miss seeing the smiles on your children’s faces. And a minute later, your husband lands with a massive cannonball in the pool beside you. The result: a night swim with your whole family. As the world continues to be in chaos around you, you find a moment of joy and connection with those you love.
Why did you cling so tightly to that handrail? Why were you so resistant to engage in something new?
So often, we cling so tightly to what we know, to where we feel safe, because something new seems so scary and, frankly, like too much work. But if we never let go, we never know what joy awaits us.
In these uncertain times, you might find yourself clinging tightly to what you perceive to be comfortable and safe. And that makes sense. We want to be able to feel safe when things feel so out of our control, but sometimes holding on so tightly means you miss opportunities for joy and growth. It is not until we truly let go that we give God the opportunity to open our eyes to something new.
Find some time this week to let go, to get your hair wet. Set aside the comfortable and enjoy the new opportunities.