If you know me, you know I change my hair regularly. Not just the cut but often the color. Many people comment about why my hair changes so often. Truth is I get bored easily and I love the feeling of starting fresh.
I was born with really thick hair. I mean so thick that at times it feels like I am carrying a ton of weight on my head. Just about every time I go to get a hair cut I leave feeling 10 pounds lighter. I am certain that I pay an extra fee just to have my hair cut because of all of the work it takes to thin it out. They even bring in those special scissors for me!
So when I walk out of the hair salon I feel like a new person! Especially with the quarantine hiatus from my hair dresser…..there is just something about a new haircut that makes you feel fresh and empowered.
We need this feeling in our life. We need to know that we can change our outlook and start fresh. Too often we can feel weighted down by the same mundane activity and expectations. We come to believe that not much will change and that can often lead to feelings of hopelessness.
It doesn’t take much to start fresh…..maybe just a haircut or a new daily routine. Whatever it takes to help you feel empowered and capable of seeing life a bit differently is always worth it. The weight we carry around by repeating the same tasks daily are often too heavy to allow us to see life in a different view. We were not meant to stay the same forever, we were created to grow and change. So take a moment to refresh yourself today and walk in a different direction. Trust me you will feel different and you may just walk a bit lighter!