There are many times that I sit down to write a blog post and I get about halfway down the page just to delete and start over. I have so much in my mind that I want to share but often it comes flowing out in a very choppy and messy way. I often find that once I reset myself and focus in on my point things just flow clearly.
Life is like that too. So many times I am going in 5 different directions that will lead me to 5 very different destinations. If I don’t slow down and focus on where I am going then I will end up in a cobb web of messes.
For me this is when a reset is needed. Most of the time my reset ends up being a long conversation with my husband about the future. I wish I could tell you that these conversations are intentional and plotted out on the calendar, but they are not. It is often a job opportunity or a big idea that comes out of one of our mouths that causes us to have a reset talk about the future. These talks aren’t always easy mostly because we are very different people. But these discussions push me to examine the future.
To be honest I am a very hopeful and go with the flow person. I don’t plan too much in advance. My husband tends to be a bit more spontaneous than me. So it is very helpful to have these impromptu conversations that push us to look towards the future. We don’t want to be work against each other and we want to set goals together. So we often need to reset and understand which direction we are heading so we both get to the same destination.
These reset conversations are also happening in my devotional life. Not that long ago I was part of an Emergent Leader training that helped me to set a mission statement for myself. Recently, when I have felt a little lost about my purpose as the world is changing around me, I pulled that mission statement back out. It helped me to align my next steps in a way that aligns with who I believe God has made me to be.
A reset is good for all of us. Good for our relationships, good for our marriages, good for our self-care. If you haven’t taken the time to reset lately I would encourage you to do so. Trust me, it will help you find your next step.