To my client,
Sometimes you help me more than you know. Your thoughts reflect my own and through your story I at times see my own. By creating a safe place for you I have found myself challenged, pushed, and growing. I grow so I can help you in your journey.
Sitting with you each week is the greatest calling in my life and it inspires me to change myself. Sitting with you makes me aware of my own need for boundaries. Sitting with you makes me more compassionate as I see myself in your story. Sitting with you helps me to hold myself accountable to the same things I hold you to each session.
You push me. You reflect back to me what I want to see in myself.....honesty, transparency, and a genuine desire to grow. I don’t want to lose sight of why I sit in this office each week with you. Your stories are hard to hear some days but your growth and the strength that you often can’t see in yourself is so inspiring. Our stories intersect here in this space and I am better because of it.
Thank you for trusting me with your story.
Thank you for showing me your strength.
Thank you for being transparent and honest.
Thank you.