As we come out of this holiday season and approach a new year, many of us are setting goals and plans of how we want to be better and different in 2021. There are many things that 2020 has taught all of us, but for me one of the most valuable gifts of this past year is to see how the discussion has changed around mental health. My goal in this new year is to keep that discussion going and I believe that it happens by just one challenge….#BeTheOne.
We can make a difference when we work to take one step each day to share our honest and transparent feelings. If there is anything that we learned from last year it is that we are not that different. We have all struggled during this time and since we were all going through the same tough year we were able to talk openly about it. But let me tell you, the pandemic is not the only thing we all have in common. We all struggle with down days, we all struggle to feel anxious or nervous, we all struggle with relationships in our lives... we all struggle. We might not always be struggling at the same time like we were in 2020 but we all do walk similar roads.
So this year, in 2021, I want to challenge you to #BeTheOne to share your struggle more. As each of us speak up about our own journey and struggles we will find that we are not alone. Others have walked or are walking similar roads to us. Hearing about other’s journeys and sharing our own helps us to know that we are not alone and that there is hope.
Take up the challenge in 2021 to #BeTheOne to share what your journeying through.